Hole-y Mole-y

August 10, 2008 at 10:26 pm (Personal, Places and People) (, , , , )

They (and I suspect that “they” are the people who need to fill weekend paper suplements, or those tiny little books that sit by the till in waterstones) say that you should always try new things. Usually it seems to involve travelling to far flung places or taking up a new sport.

So far I’m only an armchair traveller and I’m too scared of black eyes to try Squash any time soon, but when it comes to new frontiers I feel that food is my forte. As I recently went to Wales with vegan friend Mary, you could reasonably expected that Laver Bread would be the challenge ahead. However, much as munching/slurping black sludge is definitely a challenge, I managed to escape the delights of seaweed-that-isn’t-surrounding-sushi and instead I got to try Mole, or more to the point Mole Poblano.

What is it? Well, it’s a chocolate infused dish from Mexico. A Mole (pronounced Moh-lay) means any kind of sauce, hence guaca-mole. It sounds really weird but was actually very similar to a Korma. I think I would have liked to taste the bitterness of the cocoa more but it was still properly yummy and the corn bread…oh the corn bread.

Still, it’s not actually my delight that was important, but instead that of one very happy vegan who was positively delirious that she could have any of the puddings on the menu…


Om nom nom

Om nom nom

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